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Privacy Policy:

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction
1.1 At Saxe Global, we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We work very hard to keep your information safe and we want our use of your data, and your use of our services, to be secure. We follow strict security procedures on how personal information is stored and used and who sees it, to help stop any unauthorised person getting hold of it.

1.2 This Privacy Policy (and any other documents referred to in it) sets out the basis on which we will process and use any personal information about you that we collect from you or that you may provide to us. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal information and how we will treat it.

1.3 This Privacy Policy applies to most people whose data we store, including clients, potential clients, visitors to our websites, suppliers and contractors. If you are an employee or a candidate for employment, we have a separate policy for you which you will have been informed about separately.

1.4 Saxe Global LTD, Saxe Holdings For purposes of this policy, the terms “we," “our," “us" and similar terms include all of the aforementioned company and trade names. 

2. Identity and Contact Details
2.1 We have a legal duty to protect personal information that we collect under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, (the “GDPR”).
2.2 For the purposes of the GDPR, we are the data controller and are located at 601 International House, 223 Regent Street, Mayfair, London W1B 2QD, UK. Questions, concerns, comments, requests or complaints regarding this Privacy Policy, our website and /or our use of your personal data can be addressed to you may also contact us through any of the means advertised in the contact section of our websites.

3. Personal Information We Collect from You
3.1 We may collect and use various types of personal information about you. Details of this information are set out below:

When you make enquiries of us we will collect your name, contact information and details about the services you are interested in so that we can provide you with the information that is of interest to you.
If you have a user account for our systems, we will collect and use your e-mail address and password to administer this, along with any other information your organisation may require us to collect from you or that we may need to provide the services for which we have contracted.
We will collect and use certain technical information about you and your visit when you visit our websites (covered under Cookies below).
We will record whether or not you want to receive other communications about our services, and will give you the option to unsubscribe whenever we send those to you. If you have received our marketing email by mistake, or no longer wish to receive our marketing emails, please reply to the latest email from us with "UNSUBSCRIBE" and you will be removed from our mailing list. 
We may collect certain other information that you give us, for example, if you register with us for our client login areas, complete a survey or report problems with our websites.
3.2 In some cases your organisation may have given us your personal information in order that we can fulfil our contract with them; we operate under the reasonable assumption that they are legally empowered to do so on your behalf. You have the individual right to withdraw consent at any time as outlined below.

4. Sensitive Personal Data
We may also collect and use certain sensitive personal information about you when you are attending one of our offices or one of our events, namely specific details of any relevant health conditions, disabilities, access requirements and special dietary requirements that you may have. Without this information we may be unable to ensure that you have the access or services that you need.

5. Lawful Basis for Processing
Where we have a contract with you or with your organisation
5.1 We use your data to provide information you have asked for, to enter into and fulfil contracts with you (where applicable), and to provide you with a good experience of our website and our services. Without this information, we may be unable to correspond with you, send you e-mail service notices, provide you with the information and/or services that you have requested, or enter into or fulfil contracts with you.

5.2 We may process your personal data in order to provide you with information about our other services and any offers you may from time to time be interested in. This does not affect your right in any way to ask us to stop contacting you in this way and you may do so by emailing or through any of the contact means we provide on our website.

Where we rely on your consent
5.3 You may have given us your consent, via the appropriate opt-in box on a contact form or other communication, to provide you with information about our services and any offers you may from time to time be interested in, including those of Saxe Global and its subsidiaries and affiliates. In some cases your organisation may have given consent on your behalf, and we operate under the reasonable assumption that they have a legal right to do so.

5.4 You may request that we cease processing your data at any time by emailing or through any of the means advertised on our website.

5.5 If you give us your explicit consent to use your sensitive personal information as outlined above, you may withdraw your consent at any time, but this will not affect the lawfulness of any use of this information which took place before you withdrew your consent.

6. How We Use Personal Information
We collect and use personal information about you for the following purposes:

Responding to messages from and corresponding with you and recording any communications.
Providing the services and information that you ask us for and performing our obligations under any contracts that we enter into with you.
Sending you marketing materials if you have agreed to receive these, or for occasional purposes of cold-outreach (these can be unsubscribed from at any time by replying "unsubscribe" to our latest email to you).
Providing information about changes to our services.
Allowing you to participate in interactive features of our services.
7. How We Share Personal Information
7.1 We share personal information as necessary with the following third parties:

Financial institutions, in order that we may (where applicable) pay you or receive payment from you
Service providers who store data on our behalf
Other members of the Saxe Global International Group of companies
Such third parties as may be required by law (such as duly authorised legal enforcement agencies).
7.2 We may disclose your information to the appropriate law enforcement agency if your actions threaten our firm or our lawful activities. 

7.3 Where we do share information with third parties, we review all contracts to ensure that they will protect your data with as much care as we do.

7.4 We do not share your personal information with third parties for the purposes of their contacting you, except where they do so directly and only on our behalf, as for example when we outsource our email delivery. For purposes of clarity, however, please note that your information may be shared with our parent company, Saxe Global or its subsidiaries as contemplated by this policy.

8. Automated Decisions and Profiling
We do not make any automated decisions about you.

9. Where We Transfer and Store Personal Information
9.1 Certain necessary personal information that we collect from you will be transferred to, and stored at, destinations outside the European Economic Area, (the "EEA”). To safeguard your personal information and to make sure that it is properly protected we rely on contractual safeguards with our third party providers and/or the third party’s membership of an EU-approved data protection scheme, such as EU-US Privacy Shield, which taken together ensure your data is properly protected. Such information is the minimum necessary to supply our service to you.

9.2 Where our staff outside Europe are processing your data, we train them and hold them to the same standards as we do our European staff. Your data is retained only for as long as is necessary in accordance with the same data retention policies as we operate in Europe.

10. Retention of Personal Information
10.1 We will keep your personal information for limited and appropriate periods of time only. How long we will keep your data for depends on your relationship with us.

10.2 In general, if you are providing or have provided services to us, or if we are providing or have provided services to you, then we will keep your data while the services are being provided, and for seven years after they complete.

10.3 If this has not been the case, in general we will keep your personal information for up to two years after our last communication from you. There are some exceptions to these general rules for employees, contractors and candidates, which are can be found in the relevant policies and contracts.

10.4 Although we have these policies on retention, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal information as outlined below.

11. Your Rights in Your Personal Information
11.1 You have certain rights in respect of the personal information that we hold about you. Details of these rights are set out below. To exercise any of these rights, please contact us by emailing or through any of the means advertised on our website.

11.2 We will process all personal data in line with your rights, in each case to the extent required by and in accordance with applicable law only (including in accordance with any applicable time limits and any requirements regarding fees and charges). We will respect your personal information rights in respect of:

Access. At your request we will confirm to you whether or not we are processing and using personal information about you. If we are we will provide you with information about the personal information we hold and other details to which you are entitled, including at your request either copies or summaries of the data.
Rectification. We will correct any inaccurate personal data and complete any incomplete personal data (including by providing a supplementary statement) that we hold about you.
Erasure. We will erase your personal information at your request without undue delay.
Restriction. We will restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances, if you ask us to do so.
Objection (including objection to direct marketing). We will respect your general rights to object to the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances, including for direct marketing purposes. We will usually inform you (before collecting your information) if we intend to use your information for such purposes. The fastest way to stop receiving marketing material from us is to reply "unsubscribe" to the latest email we have sent you. Upon receiving your unsubscribe notice, we will erase all your respective data.

12. Backups
12.1 For protection of our clients’ data and our business, we regularly backup all our data. Back-ups are securely stored and not accessible in the ordinary course of business. Such backups may be kept for longer than the retention period that would otherwise apply, and given the way that they are stored it is not practical to remove individual items of personal information from them.

12.2 We will not restore data from these backups specifically in order to access data that has been deleted as a result either of the expiry of a retention period or on the basis of an erasure request.

12.3 Where such deleted data has been restored as a result of any wider data restoration required by the business, we will as soon as practicable re-delete data that we have deleted as a result of an erasure request, and within a reasonable time frame re-delete data which is beyond its retention period.

13. Cookies
13.1 Our websites use “cookies” and other tracking technologies which are placed and stored on your computer hard drives or in their browser memory, when you visit our websites. You may review, delete, and in many cases block these at any time using the facilities provided in your web browser.

13.2 We use these technologies for:

your convenience
managing the site and ensuring it is safe and secure
improving our websites and ensuring content is presented effectively.
statistical and survey purposes (automatically collected and anonymous technical information about visits to the websites is used for these purposes).
13.3 We provide comprehensive information on how we use cookies, what cookies we use, and how to manage them in our separate cookie notice.

14. Changes to Our Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes we make in the future will be posted on our website at Please check back to see any updates or changes to our Privacy Policy.

15. Contact and Complaints
If you have any complaints regarding this Privacy Policy that you feel have not been addressed to your satisfaction by contacting us at (or any other contact method given on our websites), then you may also contact the UK Information Commissioner.

Legal Disclaimer:

Legal Disclaimer

Saxe Global is owned and operated by Saxe Global LTD, Saxe Holdings,  and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, “Saxe “we” or “us”) owns and operates a suite of solutions, including websites, software, applications, content and other products, and services (“Products”).


The contents of these pages are copyright © Saxe Global 2020-2022 unless otherwise stated.


You may only download, store or copy material on this site for your own personal use or for the internal use of your organisation.


No part of any page may be published, distributed or made available by any means outside your organisation without our prior written permission.


Our advisory, suggestions and analysis may be quoted or referenced in recognised media outlets, provided we have explicitly given our permission. Any content used must be clearly attributed to Saxe.


These pages contain general information about financial services, advisory services, legal services and other matters.


They do not contain advice or recommendations that may be relied on without explicit consultation.


Where we link to other websites, this does not indicate that we agree with, endorse or have checked for accuracy the contents of said sites.

Terms of Business:

Terms of Business

These are the Terms of Business for Consultancy Services (“Terms”) of Saxe Global Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (registered number ) whose registered offices are at 601 International House, 223 Regent Street, Mayfair London W1B 2QD, UK. When we refer to “Saxe Global”, “we”, “us” and “our” we mean Saxe Global Limited, Saxe Holdings and our European branch offices, unless otherwise stated.  

If you have questions about any of these Terms, please contact us at

1. Definitions
1.1 "Business Day" means a day (not being a Saturday or Sunday) on which banks are open for general banking business in the City of London. Where “days” is referred to, this shall not be interpreted as Business Days;

"Client" means the organisation contracting with Saxe Global for the provision of consultancy services as identified in the Terms of Engagement;

"Contract" means the contract formed by the acceptance and return by the Client of the Terms of Engagement, and such contract shall be governed by these Terms and the Terms of Engagement;

"Deliverables" means those items identified as such in the Terms of Engagement (if any) to be provided by Saxe Global to the Client in the course of delivering the Services (including where applicable, Materials, comprising course manuals, e-learning products, question banks, knowledge banks, course notes and any other materials supporting the Services, written by Saxe Global or its third party suppliers and supplied to the Client under the Services);

"Saxe Global" means Saxe Global Limited together with its European branch offices
"Saxe Global Terms" means these standard terms of business;
"Services" means the work to be undertaken by Saxe Global for the Client as described in the Terms of Engagement;
"Terms of Engagement" means the letter or other statement provided to the Client by Saxe Global, incorporating these Terms, which outlines the nature of the Services, the deliverables to be provided, the fees payable and the timeframe for completion of the Services, together with any other terms specific to the engagement with the Client;
“Work” means any activity performed by Saxe Global in relation to the Services; 
"Working Days" means Monday to Friday excluding bank or public holidays.

2. The Services
2.1 Saxe Global will provide the Services to the Client on, and subject to, Saxe Global Terms and the Terms of Engagement. Saxe Global will not start providing the Services until Saxe Global has received written acceptance of the Terms of Engagement by an authorised representative of the Client. By accepting the Terms of Engagement, the Client also agrees to be bound by these Terms to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions (including any terms or conditions which the Client purports to apply under any purchase order, confirmation of order, specification or other document). The Terms of Engagement, once signed and returned by the Client, shall, together with these Terms, form the contract between Saxe Global and the Client.

2.2 In accepting the Terms of Engagement, the Client authorises Saxe Global to proceed with all relevant preparations for providing the Services, including but not limited to purchase of materials and booking venues (if required).

2.3 Saxe Global shall provide the Services using reasonable skill and care.

2.4 In providing the Services, Saxe Global shall use its reasonable endeavours to give sound advice based on the information available, but the Client will remain wholly responsible for determining matters of policy or action related to that advice.

2.5 The Client acknowledges and agrees that, in order for its personnel to derive benefits from the Services, such personnel will be required to make such commitment as is appropriate to the Services being provided.

2.6 The Client understands and acknowledges that successful completion of any qualification programmes provided as part of the Services requires participants to demonstrate an understanding of underlying principles, and competence in administration and feedback of the instrument(s) concerned.

2.7 Where any programme requires work to be completed prior to attendance (pre-work as detailed in confirmation emails sent by Saxe Global), we reserve the right to deny attendance at the scheduled programme if the pre-work has not been completed. In such event, the participant would be offered transfer to an alternative programme subject to payment of a transfer fee in accordance with Clause 5.1.

2.8 In respect of any qualification programmes, only fee-paying delegates are allowed to participate in and/or observe any event or programme, including the workshop and associated activities, unless agreed in the Terms of Engagement or otherwise by prior written agreement between Client and Saxe Global.

3.Virtual delivery of Services
Where any element of the Services is to be delivered virtually, the following terms shall apply:

3.1 Only those participants registered for virtual Services shall be permitted to attend the session(s). 

3.2 The registration instructions and log-in details for any virtual Services are personal to each participant. They may not be used by anyone else nor may they be transferred or supplied to any third party or organisation. 

3.3 If any participant or anyone else attempts to make multiple use of the registration and log-in details supplied by Saxe Global by disclosing such details to others, the participant and its employing organisation will be liable for the number of people who subsequently attended the virtual Services using the registration details. 

3.4 Participants acknowledge that participation in virtual Services requires use of certain technologies. Participants will, at their own expense: (a) provide their own viewing venue, computer systems, internet service, and other technology, devices, and accommodations necessary to participate in the virtual session; (b) obtain any software necessary to participate in the virtual session, including, without limitation, their own Zoom video-conferencing capability and access (or other provider as specified by Saxe Global); and (c) comply with all reasonable additional technology requirements prescribed by Saxe Global in writing. Saxe Global accepts no responsibility or liability for any failure in the above technology requirements.

3.5 Saxe Global shall not be liable for any interruption to service or availability of internet connection or video-conferencing facility caused by equipment or technologies supplied, used or made available by the participant nor for participant’s inability to access any virtual session or content or functionality that forms part of the Services, nor for any interruption to service or availability of internet connection or video-conferencing facility caused by factors not under the control of Saxe Global. 

3.6 In addition to the data protection and privacy terms set forth in Clause 11 of these Terms, the following terms shall also apply:

3.6.1 Saxe Global, at its discretion, may monitor the registration and access to virtual sessions, including the number of computers and their IP addresses, to ensure that the registration and/or log-in details have not been distributed;  

3.6.2 Saxe Global may record the virtual sessions provided that no participants shall be video-recorded in such recordings;

3.6.3 Saxe Global may transfer personal data to third party video-conferencing software providers used to facilitate virtual delivery of sessions, as sub-processors for the purpose of performance of the virtual session, as set forth in our Privacy Policy. Participants should also note that such third party video-conferencing software providers may use participants’ personal data as set forth in their privacy policies; users of such third party systems should refer to those policies for additional details.

4.Terms of Engagement and fees
4.1 The Terms of Engagement will, unless otherwise stated, remain capable of acceptance by the Client for a period of 365 calendar days from the date thereof. The rates for fees and materials are subject to review from time to time, but Saxe Global will give one month's notice of its intention to change the charging basis for current and continuing projects.

4.2 The fees set out in the Terms of Engagement are based on Saxe Global's understanding of the Client's requirements as set out in the Terms of Engagement. Saxe Global reserves the right to make additional charges for:

4.2.1 staff time spent in excess of those estimated in the Terms of Engagement as a result of any delays caused in delivery of the Services due to any act or omission of the Client;

4.2.2 staff time spent travelling to the venue in excess of two hours in either direction;

4.2.3 staff time for planning or other meetings requested by the Client in addition to those allowed for in the Terms of Engagement;

4.2.4 any services or materials requested in writing by the Client that Saxe Global agrees in writing to provide and that are additional to those allowed for in the Terms of Engagement, which shall then become part of the Services.

4.3 Saxe Global may also charge the Client for reasonable expenses incurred by Saxe Global in the provision of the Services including, where necessary:

4.3.1 travel, accommodation and subsistence (mileage to be charged at 50 pence per mile);

4.3.2 all bought-in goods, services and sub-contracted items referred to in the Terms of Engagement as being necessary and charged for separately from the fees quoted in the Terms of Engagement.

4.4 Value Added Tax, where applicable, will be payable by the Client on all fees and expenses at the rate in force at the date of invoicing. All prices are quoted exclusive of Value Added Tax.

4.5 Saxe Global will issue invoices in accordance with the terms stated in the Terms of Engagement. Depending on the nature of the work, Saxe Global may issue invoices before the completion of each discrete piece of work or at the end of each month. If the Client delays planned progress on provision of the Services, Saxe Global reserves the right to submit interim invoices. Saxe Global will also submit invoices in respect of any additional work carried out as referred to in Clause 3.2.

4.6 All invoices will be paid by the Client within 3 days of date of invoice. Saxe Global reserves the right to charge the Client interest and costs of recovery in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 (as amended).

4.7 Where a refund is due to a Client and such is caused by the breach of contractual terms and conditions of Saxe Global, Saxe Global reserves the right to deduct any administrative bank/ credit card charges from such refund.

5. Ownership of materials included in Deliverables
It is a condition of sale of the Services, including any delivered virtually, that ownership of Materials shall not transfer to any individual or his employer (as the case may be) until full payment is received by Saxe Global in respect of the relevant Services. If payment is not received by its due date and/or Services are cancelled outside our cancellation fees as set forth in Clause 6.1, Materials should be returned to Saxe Global forthwith. If in such event, Materials are not received by Saxe Global, we shall seek reimbursement for the cost of the Materials plus delivery charges, failing which we will pursue the cost as a debt and may repossess any Materials that have not been paid for.

6. Cancellation and postponement
6.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Terms of Engagement, Saxe Global reserves the right to charge for events (including but not limited to courses, workshops, presentations or seminars) cancelled or postponed by the Client. Such charges will be in accordance with the following:

6.1.1  Saxe Global reserves the right to charge the client for any cancelled consultations. 

6.2 In addition, the Client will bear the full cost of any fees or expenses incurred by Saxe Global for cancellation of venues and, except in cases where the Client has paid a 100% cancellation or postponement charge, for non-returnable goods and services bought or contracted for the event or events.

6.3 Where an event is postponed, the Client will be liable for the full fee for that event.

6.4.4 Where an event is postponed:

6.4.1 the revised dates must be confirmed in writing within two (2) months of the original event dates; and

6.4.2 the rebooked dates must take place within six (6) months of the original event dates.

6.5 For the avoidance of doubt, the start date of the Work is not the start of the event but the start of when the Work commences and will be set out in the Terms of Engagement.

7. Copyright
7.1 Other than in respect of information that the Client has supplied to Saxe Global , Saxe Global shall, as between Saxe Global and the Client, own all copyright and any other intellectual property rights throughout the world subsisting in the contents of the Terms of Engagement and in all Work, including that work produced by Saxe Global in the course of provision of the Services in whatever form or media and (including, without limitation, for the avoidance of doubt the Deliverables) ("Work"), unless otherwise indicated in the Terms of Engagement as "Client Materials".

7.2 If the Client requires Saxe Global to incorporate any material into the Work and supplies Saxe Global with such material, the Client warrants that:

7.2.1 the proposed use or incorporation of such material will not infringe any third party's intellectual property rights;

7.2.2 where the Client is not the owner of all copyright or other intellectual property rights in such material, the Client has received all necessary consents and licences for the proposed use by Saxe Global of such material; and the Client will indemnify and keep Saxe Global fully and effectively indemnified against all costs, claims, demands, expenses and liabilities of any nature arising out of or in connection with any breach of the warranty in this clause.

7.3 Subject to Clause 7.4, the Client agrees that it shall not copy or amend the Work or do or authorise any other act that may infringe or devalue Saxe Global's copyright or other intellectual property rights.

7.4 The Client may, subject to the last sentence of this clause, make a reasonable amount of copies of the Work (or part of the Work) for distribution to its own personnel and strictly for internal business purposes only. The Client shall ensure that each such copy of the Work (or part thereof) shall bear a statement acknowledging its source. The Client shall have no right to make any copies of any Deliverables on which Saxe Global does not own the copyright.

8. Sub-contractors
8.1 Saxe Global shall be entitled, in its absolute discretion, to appoint sub-contractors to provide all or part of the Services.

8.2 If the Client nominates sub-contractors to work with Saxe Global in the provision of the Services, the Client shall be responsible for such nominated sub-contractors. Saxe Global reserves the right to withdraw co-operation from any nominated sub-contractors if the performance or actions of such persons or organisations prevents Saxe Global fulfilling its obligations under the Terms of Engagement and these Terms.

9. Client's obligations
9.1 The Client will ensure that its staff, contractors and other suppliers co-operate fully with Saxe Global and cause no delay.

9.2 Whilst Saxe Global's employees or sub-contractors are working on the Client's premises, the Client will ensure the health and safety of those people. The Client will indemnify Saxe Global and keep Saxe Global indemnified against all losses, damages and expenses incurred or suffered by Saxe Global in connection with any and all claims made in respect of any injury, death or loss suffered by those employees or sub-contractors as a result of working at the Client's premises.

9.3 Clients will not, either during the provision of the Services or thereafter for a period of one year, directly or indirectly, offer employment or assignments to any of Saxe Global's employees or sub-contractors or solicit or procure their employment by any other company, organisation or individual with which the Client is connected.

9.4 All Clients shall be required, in using Saxe Global's Services to verify any local requirements and/or restrictions on using psychometric tests in general and Saxe Global materials in particular, in that jurisdiction, whether imposed by law, regulation or by a local regulatory or governmental body. Where any local requirements and/or restrictions exist that alter the criteria for, or prevent, use of Saxe Global’s materials within a particular jurisdiction, it shall be the responsibility of the Client to ensure that it fully complies with any and all such local requirements and/or restrictions. Where any Client uses Saxe Global’s materials in a particular jurisdiction in contravention of any local requirements and/or restrictions, whether knowingly or inadvertently, such Client shall be solely responsible and liable for such use and shall hold harmless and indemnify Saxe Global in respect of any loss or claim by a third party against Saxe Global arising from such. Further, in the event that a Client has failed to ensure that any Saxe Global materials may be legitimately used within a particular jurisdiction and subsequently purchases Saxe Global materials for use in that jurisdiction, such Client shall be liable for the costs thereof and Saxe Global shall bear no responsibility or liability for return of such Saxe Global materials or the reimbursement of any associated costs.

10. Confidentiality
10.1 Both during and after the provision of the Services, both parties shall keep confidential any information of the other party that is obtained in connection with the provision of the Services and that is clearly designated as ‘confidential' or that is by its nature clearly confidential. Neither party shall use such information except in connection with the Services nor divulge it to any third party without the prior written permission of the other party.

10.2 The provisions of this clause 8 shall not apply to any information disclosed by a party ("Disclosing Party") that:

10.2.1 is in, or comes into, the public domain (except as a result of a breach of these Terms);

10.2.2 was already in the possession of the Disclosing Party at the time of its receipt from the other party;

10.2.3 is received by the Disclosing Party from a third party who was not under a legal obligation of confidentiality with respect to it;

10.2.4 is required by law to be disclosed by the Disclosing Party.

10.3 The Terms of Engagement shall be treated as confidential information for the purposes of this Clause 10.

11. Data Protection and Privacy
11.1 Saxe Global is committed to protecting and respecting Client’s and other users’ privacy and to acting in compliance with the UK Data Protection Act 2018 (UK DPA), UK GDPR and EU GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/ 679) and any applicable enacting, successor, supplementing or amending legislation. You should read our Data Protection Statement and our Privacy Policy as they will help you understand how we collect, use, store and otherwise process your personal data and other information.

11.2 Client agrees to be bound by the Data Processing Terms as set forth in the Schedule incorporated herein, unless otherwise agreed in writing between Saxe Global Limited and the Client.

12. Term and termination
12.1 The Contract will commence on the date that Saxe Global receives the signed Terms of Engagement from the Client and shall continue in full force and effect until the Services have been completed, subject to earlier termination pursuant to Clauses 12.2 and 12.3 and 14.

12.2 Either party may terminate provision of the Services immediately by notice in writing to the breaching party if the breaching party:

12.2.1 is in irremediable breach of its obligations or, in the case of a remediable breach, such breach has not been remedied within 14 days of receipt by the breaching party of a notice from the other party specifying the breach and requiring its remedy; or

12.2.2 enters into voluntary or compulsory liquidation, or compounds with or convenes a meeting of its creditors, or has a receiver or manager or an administrator appointed over any part of its assets, or ceases for any reason to carry on business, or takes or suffers any analogous action which in the opinion of Saxe Global means that the Client may not be able to pay its debts.

12.3 Saxe Global may terminate provision of the Services at any time if:

12.3.1  The client is in the breach of Saxe Global’s terms and conditions

12.3.2 the Client attempts substantially to alter the scope or definition of the Services without Saxe Global's prior written agreement.

12.4 On termination, Saxe Global will be entitled to be paid all fees and expenses incurred or accrued and payable by the Client as at the date of termination or cancellation of the Services. In the case of termination by Saxe Global pursuant to Clause 10.2, the Client will be deemed to have cancelled the Services and will be liable to pay a cancellation charge as specified in Clause 4.1, if applicable.

12.5 On termination, each party shall immediately return to the other party all property of the other party in its custody, possession or control.

12.6 Clauses 1, 6, 7, 9.3, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 17 shall survive expiry or termination of these Terms howsoever caused and shall remain thereafter in full force and effect after termination.

13. Warranty and liability
13.1 In the event of damage to tangible physical property, where it is established that such damage to property has arisen as a direct result of the negligence of Saxe Global employees or sub-contractors while providing the Services, Saxe Global's liability shall be limited to a maximum of £1,000,000 (one million pounds) per claim or series of related claims.

13.2 Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit Saxe Global's liability for death or personal injury caused by Saxe Global's negligence, nor for fraud on Saxe Global's part, nor for any liability that cannot be excluded by law.

13.3 Saxe Global will also try to ensure that any description of the design or content of Services is as informative as possible, but it is for the Client and participants to take responsibility for deciding whether or not a programme is suitable for their needs.

13.4 Subject to Clauses 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 and 13.4, Saxe Global's liability arising under or as a result of the provision of the Services whether in contract, tort, breach of statutory duty or otherwise is limited to the fees actually paid by the Client to Saxe Global for such Services.

13.5 Saxe Global will not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss, loss of business, profit, revenue, data or goodwill, nor for lost or wasted management time or employee time of the Client.

13.6 Any condition, representation or warranty that might otherwise be implied or incorporated within these Terms by reason of statute or common law or otherwise is hereby expressly excluded.

14. Client Cooperation and Excused Non-Performance
Client agrees to cooperate with our reasonable instructions relating to performance of Services.  We shall not be in breach of these Terms for any failure or delay in performance of any of our obligations in respect of the Services or under any Terms of Engagement, arising from or attributable to: (i) Client’s unreasonable delay or failure to cooperate with our reasonable instructions; or (ii) force majeure, which shall include (but not be limited to) events that are unpredictable, unforeseeable, or irresistible, such as any severe weather, earthquake, fire, epidemic, pandemic, acts of terrorism, biological warfare, outbreak of military or civil hostilities, explosions, strikes, sabotage, governmental interference or decree, interruption of service due to telecom carriers, internet service provider issues, power supply issues, or other technology issues.  If Client fails to cooperate in a timely manner with our reasonable instructions regarding performance of the Services,  we may take reasonable actions to remediate or mitigate the effects of Client’s non-cooperation or delay, including (without limitation) rescheduling a programme date, cancelling an event or engagement, or restricting or denying eligibility to participate in a programme, event or engagement.

15. Waiver
No delay, neglect or forbearance by either party in enforcing any provision of the Terms of Engagement or these Terms shall be deemed to be a waiver or in any way prejudice any rights of that party.

16. Rights of third parties
Nothing in these Terms or the Terms of Engagement confers or purports to confer on any third party any right to enforce any of the Terms of Engagement or these Terms.

17. Governing law and jurisdiction
These Terms and the Terms of Engagement are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England, and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

18. Entire agreement
18.1 These Terms together with the Terms of Engagement constitute the entire agreement between Saxe Global and the Client in relation to the Services, and supersede all earlier communications. Each party acknowledges that it has not relied on any commitment, representation or warranty in entering into the Contract, other than those expressly set out in the Contract. No amendment or other variation to these Terms by the Client will be effective unless it is in writing, is dated and is signed by a duly authorised representative of Saxe Global and the Client.

18.2 If there is any conflict between these Terms and the Terms of Engagement, or any in our catalogue or elsewhere, these Terms (as displayed on our website) will prevail.

18.3 Saxe Global reserves the right to change these Terms at any time without prior notice to you, so please check them regularly. These Terms were revised in September 2021.

19. Notices
19.1 Any notice permitted or required under these Terms will be given in writing and shall be effectively served if delivered by hand or sent by first-class or airmail post to Saxe Global at its usual address and, in the case of the Client, to the last known or usual address. Any notice personally delivered shall be deemed to have been received at the time of delivery. Any notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been delivered three Business Days after posting in the case of inter-UK communications, or five Business Days otherwise.

19.2 In cases where the Terms of Engagement specify nominated representatives of the parties, all notices shall be addressed to such representatives.

20. Further information
If you wish to raise any query, please contact

Terms of Service:

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